Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Thoughts from Joel & Amos

These verses are from the Message Bible:

"The bigger the enemy, the stronger the stench!"

GOD, Joel 2:20

"I've had all I can take of your noisy ego-music.
When was the last time you sang to me?
Do you know what I want?
I want justice - oceans of it.
I want fairness - rivers of it.
That's what I want. That's all I want."

GOD, Amos 5

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Is Disneyland Really "The Happiest Place on Earth"?

Disneyland was the most fun I've had in awhile. Our family had more fun than 99% of the people visting the two parks. We ran around like goofballs, sang songs from every Disney animated feature created, and danced to the ambient music of California Adventure. You'd think it was embarassing, but it was really cool (actually, it was more embarassing for those in our group who didn't participate). However, when we looked around at others, not that many people had smiles on their faces. Except for a few brief moments on the rides, many of the people didn't laugh or smile. Is Disneyland truly the happiest place on earth?

So many people live life waiting for something big to happen. It's like they're in a state of suspended emotional animation, where there bodies function but their hearts are on 'Pause'. For a few seconds of a scary rollercoaster drop or an unexpected turn, they press 'Play' and allow themselves to enjoy the moment. Then the moment ends and they hit 'Pause' again. Living like that is no fun.

"The Happiest Place on Earth" wasn't that happy. I don't think it was because the rides were boring, there was too much of a crowd, or souveneirs and food were expensive. I think it was because most people are afraid to really live. We had fun because we love each other and we are accepted by each other no matter how stupid we act. We have that bond because of our family's love. May the world know the kind of love we have.


Trusty cell phone

Trusty cell phone, originally uploaded by _Justice.

Q. How did we function as a society before this invention?

Thousand Words

Disney 23 Picture Thousand Words, originally uploaded by _Justice.

This phrase is so appropriate.

The Odd Couple

There are some scary sights at Disneyland. This is one of them.

Jonnie, AKA "Davy Space Crockett"

The sideburns, the tilt of the hat that looks like it's made from an animal pelt, the blaster... Jonathon is King of the Galactic Frontier!

Deb Pointing at Grizzly Rapids

Is Deb a crack-up or what?


Disney 31 Drop Your Debris Sign, originally uploaded by _Justice.

What a profound spiritual revelation. I was not expecting enlightenment at Disneyland, but there it was. So simple, so clear...

666 or 999?

Disney 06 666 or 999, originally uploaded by _Justice.

It depends on how you look at it.

Victor from Hollywood Tower

Disney 39 Victor Tower, originally uploaded by _Justice.

This Disneyland employee is named Victor and he was AWESOME! He was so into his character. The flash from this shot blinded him. After he regained his vision, he turned and said, "That will be the last picture you will ever take." He was the best part of the whole ride.

Hollywood Tower faces

Disney 24 Tower faces, originally uploaded by _Justice.

For the sake of the uninitiated (me), Deb and Liz relive their emotions from the first time they rode the Hollywood Tower at California Adventure. Sarah is... um... choosing not to relive her first time.

Matterhorn Group Shot

Disney 18 Matterhorn Group shot, originally uploaded by _Justice.

Just having fun.

Irish Bling Bling

Disney 10 Irish Bling Bling, originally uploaded by _Justice.

Disneyland on St. Patrick's Day, 2005 - hence the green attire and McDonald's. What could be more Irish than McDonald's? Bustin' it in Astroblasters, yo.

Blogging about life with Christ

I have opened this blog to relay issues that cannot be described on my educational blog. The primary issue I wish to relay is my relationship with Christ on a semi-regular basis. That's really where the rubber meets the road; everything else is secondary. People often ask, "How are you doing?" This is a place where you can find out. How I'm doing with Christ is how I'm really doing.